Professor Nezahat Tugba Durlu-Kandilci

Professor Nezahat Tugba Durlu-Kandilci


Professor Nezahat Tugba Durlu-Kandilci FBPhS


Hacettepe University

Year elected:


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Nezahat Tugba Durlu-Kandilci holds a bachelor degree in Pharmacy (1997) from Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. She completed the experiments of her MSc (1999) and DPhil (2004) dissertations at Professor Alison F. Brading’s Lab, Department of Pharmacology, University of Oxford, UK on urogenital tract smooth muscle pharmacology. As a post doc, she moved on to Professor Antony Galione’s Lab in the same department focusing on intracellular calcium movements. She started her own research lab at her home University in 2007. She focused on contractile functions of permeabilized detrusor smooth muscle and continued research on intracellular calcium stores and pathways involved in agonist induced contractions in diseases, i.e. interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome. She became a full Professor of Pharmacology in 2019. She was Secretary General to Turkish Pharmacological Society for 2011-2016 and Vice Dean to Hacettepe University, Faculty of Pharmacy for 2016-2021. She was a member of Bioavailability/Bioequivalance Committee at Turkish Ministry of Health for 2016-2020. She is the Head of Pharmacology Department since December 2021 and Secretary General of EPHAR since June 2022.